Thursday, February 28, 2008

Asnor's stint with the element of WCO

Tak ramai berpeluang macam saudara Asnor dapat ke medan taklimat mengenai WCO

...World Class Organisation

Syukur menyampaikan maklumat melalui email supaya dapat dikongsi bersama, cuma izinkan saya

merekodkannya didalam jurnal ini untuk rujukan kami semua yang tidak berpeluang hadir

dan elok menjadi panduan jua...memandangkan tempuh ke arah WCO hanya tak sampai 3 tahun lagi.

Dengan maklumat ini jua bolehlah kita sama sama renungkan bahawa WCO juga menuju ke arah Q ??

Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 10:22:10 +0800   

Subject: Elements of World Class Organisation


Tuan-tuan dan Puan-puan, 

Saya cuma nak sharing my info from Penang about elements of : 

"To be a  World Class Organization 2010" 

What is A World Class Organization? 

A world class organization can be defined as “An organization which has acquired the 

position of Best of the Bests in the world in its given business and continuously 

strives for beating its oven standards so as to retain that position” 

This definition gives us some pointers which can be rightly called some of the 

characteristics of a world class organization: 

Characteristics of a world class organization 

- Goal (Vision, Mission, Strategic Plan) 

- Leadership 

- Helping Each Other (Family Hood) 

- Transparent  (   ) 

- Updated 

- Integrated 

- Staff Recognition (  ) 

- Persistent 

- Measure 

- Continuous Improvement 

- Relentless Focus on Customer Satisfaction 

- Best of the Bests 

- Networking 

- Collaboration 

Strategies for Developing World Class Organizations 

- Knowledgeable 

- Obsession with Quality 

- Developing the Most Professional Employees 

- Innovation and Reinvention 

- World Class Leadership 

- Relax with strategy 

- Achieve one of the focus areas (1 to 6) then follows by others focus area 

Leadership is the ability of developing and communicating a vision to a group of people 

that will make that vision true. The leader has to master five practices. The practices are: 

1. Challenge the Process 

2. Inspire a Shared Vision 

3. Enable others to act 

4. Model the Way 

5. Encourage the Heart 


After twenty years of research Posner & Kouzes found that people want leaders who are 

credible. If there's no credibility there's no leadership. 

The authors state that credibility is the foundation of Leadership. 

They also state that there are four characteristics that a leader must have to be 

credible: honest, forward-looking, competent, and inspiring. They found that when 

there's a high degree of credibility you can expect to see the following behavior: 

a) People are proud to tell others they're part of the organization. 

b) They feel a strong sense of team spirit. 

c) They see their own personal values as consistent with those of the 


d) Feel attached and committed to the organization. 

e) Have a sense of ownership of the organization. 

Summing up 

To become a leader, you have to develop a vision, be able to communicate that vision, 

and inspire the group you'll work with to achieve it. You must have credibility. You 

have to build that credibility before you can lead. Do not compromise your honesty, be 

competent in whatever you do and be aware (forward-looking). Change is everywhere, 

everyday you must face it and be flexible enough to adapt yourself to lead. 

Tahniah kepada Bah Korporat kerana telah melaksanakan taklimat Strategic Plan Zon Utara 

di Pulau Pinang pada 24 - 26 Feb 2008. 

Best Regards, 

Asnor Muizan b. Ishak 

Hydrology and Water Resources Division,